Labels:text | office supplies | handwriting | person | pen | office instrument | stationery | watch | general supply | book | letter | indoor | table OCR: um 7 200* SEPTEMBER 8 am SEPTEMBER 10 $20.000 $35,000 $25,000 $15.000 $30,000 11 $10.000 $5,000 12 Tuesday 250-115 SO Q2 91 eting 1 pm Offers Budgeted for but not completed due to cash flo A solo offer for every new product 3. A regular timed solo offer following every of 4. Solo offer potential to select new products 2. PR/Media Relations Wednesday 3. Catalog Q3 91 1. Fulfillment 2. Lists 3. Promotions 4. Magazine Advertising 1. Rates are way up 2. M. 1. Ad cost= 46.767 2. Sales= $46,357 3. Leads 2.02 1. Ad cost= $47,410 2. Sales= $31,334 3. Leads 3. Q3 1. Ad cost= $52,856 2. Sales= $26,321 3. Leads 3. M 1. 01 1. Ad costs $41,405 2. Sales= $31,789 3. Leads 2. Q2 1. Ad cost= $42,857 2. Salesm $26,007 3. Leads 367 3. 03 1. Ad cost= $45,833 $22,711